Julia Lage - Denim and Leather Podcast - Episode #04

Episode #04: Interview With Julia Lage

Podcast: Denim and Leather
Host: Urosh Veljkovic
Guest: Julia Lage
Released on: March 13, 2024
Duration: 43 minutes

Meet Julia Lage, the Brazilian bassist who’s rocked the music scene from Barra Da Saia to the bright lights of Los Angeles. By 17, she was already making waves with her Latin Grammy-nominated band, and her journey didn’t stop there. Julia collaborated with music giants in LA like Adam Lambert and Alejandra Gusmán. Her 2022 tour with Smith/Kotzen and recent gig with the iconic rock band Vixen, alongside launching her solo projects, highlight a stellar career. As Julia gears up for her first solo album and dazzles with Vixen, her star only rises. We were honored by her presence in the fourth episode of the Denim and Leather Podcast. This article is an overview of the interview with Julia Lage hosted by Urosh Veljkovic.

Introduction and Early Career (00:02)

Julia’s start in a big Brazilian band. Grammy nomination and significant performances. The transition from country to rock music.

Musical Influences and Preferences (03:01)

Exposure to bands like Angra and influences from classic rock. Development of personal music taste and style. Appreciation for a variety of music genres.

Experience with Bands and Solo Work (05:00)

Formation of Sister Not and moving to LA. Release of singles and collaboration with other artists. Balancing band commitments and solo aspirations.

Transition to the USA and Joining Vixen (12:00)

The decision to move to LA for a music career. Joining Vixen and the dynamics within the band. Plans and potential for new music releases.

Joining Smith/Kotzen and Family Connections (20:00)

The story behind joining Smith/Kotzen. Importance of good relationships and vibes in a band. Recording new material and prospects.

Collaboration in Music (27:56)

Julia reflects on working with guitarists from different genres. Emphasizes the unique combination of Heavy Metal and Modern Hard Rock. Credits the wife of a band member for suggesting the collaboration.

Music Distribution and Industry Changes (30:07)

Discusses the shift from physical to digital formats. Expresses nostalgia for CDs and the resurgence of vinyl records. Highlights the convenience and accessibility of digital releases.

Record Industry Dynamics (33:02)

Contemplates the relevance of record deals in the modern era. Stresses the importance of fair contracts and artistic freedom. Reflects on the financial realities of being an independent artist.

Live Performances and Artist Challenges (37:00)

Compares the effort of live shows to recreating a masterpiece daily. She addresses the human aspects and limitations of performing artists. Discusses the financial struggle and the need for diverse income streams.

Julia’s Personal Music Projects (39:57)

Shares plans for independently releasing singles and a full album. Emphasizes the joy of creating music and connecting with audiences. She looks forward to performing live with her band, Vixen, in the summer.

Watch the Full Interview With Julia Lage

So, the article summarizes the interview with Julia Lage and can’t be replaced with the unique experience of watching the full interview. We hope you enjoy it!

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