Лајнчек 2023 лого

LINECHECK 2023: Peace, Diversity and Inclusion

LINECHECK 2023 was held from 21/11 to 25/11. This was the ninth edition of this music showcase festival (LINECHECK music meeting and festival). The event venue, Base Milano, provided the picturesque setting for this occasion in the stunning city of Milan, Italy.

Регионот Навигли (Navigli) во кој се наоѓа популарниот канал покрај кој има кафулиња и ресторани
The Navigli region, where the popular canal is located, along with cafes and restaurants / 21.11.2023 / Milan, Italy / Photographer: Vasil Buraliev

The event focused on the themes of peace, diversity, and inclusion, offering a unique perspective on advocating for peace. Throughout the conference, there was a pervasive message promoting the significance of diversity and its inherent strength. Linecheck 2023 notably emphasized the importance of inclusion, particularly advocating for unfairly marginalized groups, which was a recurring theme highlighted during the event’s opening session (Many Kisses – Opening Session).

Event’s opening session / 22.11.2023 / Video by Vasil Buraliev

Linecheck 2023: Logical Organization

In its early stages, Linecheck was conceived with two fundamental components. Over the years, Linecheck evolved, and the 2023 edition is organized into four primary program components.

? Meeting
? Showcase
? Festival
? Networking


Од сесијата за стратегијата на европската музичка експорт агенција.
European Music Export Strategy / Linecheck 2023 / Location: Base Milano / Photographer: Vasil Buraliev

The meeting concentrates on exploring the evolving professions and dynamics within the music industry, fostering innovative ideas through constructive dialogues. It spans the entire day, commencing from morning coffee until the evening. This logical segment (Meeting) is structured around panel discussions, presentations, and interviews involving industry professionals.


La Capsula at Linecheck 2023 hosts live performances by selected artists, offering a 360° auditory experience in MusicRooms, a part of Base Milano. This space functions as a recording studio and a cozy performance area with soundproof walls, a control room, a 60-seat auditorium, and an innovative 3D sound system, giving emerging talents exposure to music professionals and enthusiasts.


This logical segment is shaped by the line-up of established performers who showcased their live performances in front of the event’s auditorium.


An aspect of the event that encourages networking and fostering connections among individuals is a designated networking segment. This component is structured to facilitate meetings between peers in the music and creative industries during specific time slots. It aims to arrange one-on-one meetings with professionals including record companies, booking agents, promoters, and publishers.

Music-Tech Start-ups

Преставници на стартапите и нивните ментори од HEMI 2023 программата / локација: Атина, Грција / Athens Music Week - мај 2023 / Фотографијата е пренесена од вебсајтот на HEMI музичкиот хаб
Representatives of start-ups and their mentors of the HEMI 2023 program / Location: Athens, Greece / Athens Music Week – May 2023 / The photo is taken from the HEMI music hub website

During the festival, delegates from the incubator and acceleration programs of HEMI and Music Tech Europe Academy (MTE Academy) had dedicated spaces. Several start-ups affiliated with HEMI and MTE Academy utilized this platform to showcase their business ideas, focusing on the intersection of technology and the music industry.

Music Tech Europ Academy (MTE) спроведе истражување. Тие ги идентификуваа градовите во кои најмногу се раѓаат стартапите поврзани со музичката индустрија. Исто така, тие ги идентификуваа најзаинтересираните инвеститори (по град) за инвестирање во музички стартапи / Лајнчек 2023 / Фотограф: Васил Буралиев
Music Tech Europe Academy (MTE) conducted research. They pinpointed the cities that serve as hotspots for the birth of start-ups within the music industry. Additionally, they identified the cities where the most interested investors, categorized by city, are keen on investing in music start-ups./ Linecheck 2023 / Photographer: Vasil Buraliev

In multiple panel discussions, the “Music Moves Europe” initiative tackled this topic.
Among those who presented their start-ups from the HEMI program at this event were:

Презентирање на стартапот Scoremusic од Кристијан Нолвак (Kristjan Nõlvak) основачот на стартапот / Лајнчек 02023 / Фотограф: Васил Буралиев
Presentation of the Scoremusic start-up by Kristjan Nõlvak (start-up founder) / Linecheck 02023 / Photographer: Vasil Buraliev

? Scoremusic – An iPad application designed for reading and notating scores, intended for centralized management of music lists within musical groups such as orchestras, choirs, and ensembles.

? StarRider – An advanced and modern cloud application, which allows performers and their management team to easily create their riders.

? Jenius Jamtracker – An iOS app that helps jazz musicians practice improvisation by offering musical accompaniment from a jazz trio (drums, bass, and piano).

Лајнчек 2023 - просторот во кој беа штандовите на музичките стартапи
Linecheck 2023 –
The designated area where the booths for music start-ups were located. / Location: Base Milano /Photographer: Vasil Buraliev

Linecheck 2023 Panel Discussions

The conference aspect of this event covered a broad and diverse range of relevant topics. Particularly noteworthy were the panel discussions exploring the influence of music in upholding the foundational values of the European Union and within European countries at large. The program featuring these panel discussions was notably rich and diverse. I’d like to highlight several key clusters of topics that, from my perspective, were prominent during this significant event’s conference section.

Глобален вкус со локален зачин? Стапица и глокализација на музиката (Global taste with local flavor? trap and the glocalization of music) / Фотограф: Васил Буралиев
Global taste with local flavor? Trap and the globalization of music / Photograph: Vasil Buraliev

Music Moves Europe

Multiple panel discussions featuring the “Music Moves Europe” initiative addressed this topic. Discussions covered recent updates in the European music ecosystem and explored ways to support future talents in the industry.

Music and Technology

A segment of the panel discussions focused on the intersection of music and technology, particularly delving into modern information technology. AI emerged as an inevitable topic, discussed in contexts from creating music to exploring personalized marketing strategies.

Linecheck 2023 Music Program

The music program included about a hundred remarkable performers, divided into a festival and a showcase. Marta Salogni and Francesco Messina started the music program on 21/11/2023, followed by Mefisto Brass after the festival’s official opening. Throughout the festival days, exceptional artists took the stage, including standout performances by Ava Vegas and System Olympia.

The festival curated a five-hour music playlist by Linecheck 2023 artists, showcasing the curators’ discerning taste. This playlist is a great compilation of the editors’ musical choices, perfect for sharing and enjoying in a social setting with friends.

Networking with Music Industry Professionals at Linecheck 2023

The impressive turnout of music industry professionals at the event was undeniable. Attendees had the chance to engage with individuals spanning different realms of the music industry, ranging from emerging music professionals with their start-ups (MixFlow), to delegates from major production and publishing entities such as Sony Music Publishing.

Linecheck 2023 Conclusion

Лајнчек 2023 лајтмотив
Linecheck 2023 motto

The ninth edition of Linecheck this year was an outstanding event, celebrating music, and diversity, and promoting messages of love and peace. These days were an exceptional opportunity for music enthusiasts to explore new insights and gain knowledge about the music industry. It was a hub for music professionals to gather, exchange experiences, and start new ventures. The event offered a fantastic platform for both emerging and established performers to present their art live.

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