Lina Pejovska’s Visit to Australia has been Postponed for 2024

In the first half of September 2023, the young Macedonian singer Lina Pejovska announced her visit to Australia. It was initially announced that her fans would be able to enjoy her music in December 2023, unfortunately, her performance has been postponed for 2024.

Lina was supposed to perform together with Vlado Janevski and Gjoko Tanevski, but their performances were cancelled as well. Instead of these performers, lovers of Macedonian music in Australia will be able to enjoy the music of Pajak, DNK, and Naum Petreski. Petreski and DNK need no special introduction, and Pajak is a young musician on the rise. Naum is certainly a veteran when it comes to Australian tours, and for Pajak, this will be his first performance in Melbourne, that is in Australia.

The audience will undoubtedly enjoy the performance of Petreski, who has been one of the most famous Macedonian folk singers in the last 40 years.

republika turneja
Promotional photograph for the Australian tour of DNK, Pajak and Naum Petreski

It seems that the organizer, Republika Entertainment has a kind of pattern when it comes to organizing these concerts. Pajak and DNK are popular with the youngsters, and Naum Petreski with the older audience. It seems that this one, as well as the postponed concert at the Q Room, are designed to attract and satisfy the whole family.

The online ticket store still sells tickets for Vlado Janevski, Gjoko Taneski, and Lina Pejovska, but Lina Pejovska will not travel to Australia in December. However, the headline states that DNK, Pajak, and Naum will perform. The ticket price is 80 Australian dollars. Don’t be confused by the not updated ticket website. The performances of Lina Pejovska, Vlado Janevski, and Gjoko Tanevski have been cancelled.

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