“Makedonki” by Christina Dimitri and Gasttozz Takes the Stage

Kristina Dimitry and Gasttozz - Makedonki

The electrifying collaboration between Kristina Dimitri and Gasttozz comes to life in “Makedonki” (Macedonian Girls) released by IDJVideos. The song with its music video was released on 04/07/2023.

“Makedonki” is a ground-breaking chapter for Kristina Dimitri as she joins forces with Gasttozz, a non-Macedonian author. The song is a milestone – 7th collaboration in her musical career. She also collaborated with Bono, Tony и Аlеk.

For Gasttozz, a name that resonates throughout the Balkans, this is a first collaboration with a performer from Macedonia. Some of his famous songs are “Aritmije”, “Namerno”, “Proteini Vitamini”.

Let’s take a closer look at the participants who played a pivotal role in bringing “Makedonki” to life:

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