Inserta with a new song “Rihanna”

Inserta - Rihanna

Insertakick or now known as Inserta has just dropped his new song “Rihanna”. Stepping back into the spotlight after nearly a year since his last song ‘BBB’, a dynamic collaboration with Sharo, the young and talented Jovan Stojchevski is back with his new song „Rihanna“. The track was just released on the (Gorilla Tv) YouTube channel.

Inserta is one of the most popular artists in the country and he has released several songs, such as “Diva”,Lila, “Cover Polo” and the iconic “Far away is better” (Daleku e bojle). He is known for his catchy rhythms and charismatic personality.

The anticipation was real – Inserta had teased us with whispers of “Elmas”, which remained tucked away. Although “Rihanna” was not expected, there were positive comments on social networks.

The video is available on YouTube. Take a look:

Jovan Stojchevski (Inserta) and  Antonio Stojanovski (Bontoni) wrote the lyrics for “Rihanna”. Zoofa is the beat creator, while Jovan Stojchevski created the arrangement and the music. The captivating audiomix and mastering are ingeniously crafted by the dynamic duo Mario Jelic (Kun) and Mario Nikolovski (Sharo).

The song is also available on all popular music streaming platforms including Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music.

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